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I’m a US resident, can I give tax effectively?
Yes, you can make your gift tax-effectively via the BSUF (British Schools & Universities Foundation) page here.
Please note that gifts made via BSUF make take up to the next working day to appear on our Giving Day page.
Can I set up a regular gift?
Yes, absolutely! Regular donations help Eastbourne plan for the future. If you have a UK bank account, you can set up a regular donation (monthly, quarterly or annually) via Direct Debit by visiting our website here.
How will you use my information?
We would love to stay in touch with you and will keep your personal data in accordance with your wishes. We’ll update your contact details and contact you regarding the Eastbournian Society. A detailed statement on how your data is held and used is set out in our privacy notice, which you can read here. If you no longer wish to receive this type of communication from us or would like to change your preferences about the information we send you, have any questions about your personal data, or would like a paper copy of our privacy notice, please contact or telephone +44 (0) 1323 452316. Our Inland Revenue charities reference number is 307071.
See our full FAQ for more answers.
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