Eastbourne Giving Day 2025

#EBGivingDay #BSBGivingDay

Join us for the first ever St Andrew’s Prep and Eastbourne College Giving Day!

From 9am on Tuesday 11 March 2025, we’re inviting our global community of alumni, parents, staff, pupils, and friends to come together for 36 hours of celebration and support for our schools.

We’re raising essential funds for bursaries, to ensure that more young people can benefit from the exceptional education we provide.

Get involved! Share the campaign on social media, join in Giving Day activities, encourage others to participate, or make a gift. Every action, big or small, will help us celebrate our past, make a real difference today, and shape a brighter future for our children and schools.

This Giving Day is also an opportunity to celebrate our vibrant Eastbourne community and share your memories of School. We invite everyone to post these on our Giving Day site, take our Giving Day quiz, and take a stroll down memory lane together:

Donate Now
Double your Donation!
Double your Donation!
All gifts* made during our Giving Day will be matched £ for £, doubling the value of your gift! (*up to a grand total of £65,000)
£11,042 MATCHED
Don't forget to share!

Questions? See our FAQ.

Or you can contact us at es@eastbourne-college.co.uk.

Donate Now
Match your Gift pound for pound!